Songtext / Oh Anna Maria / 18.6. 2024
Juni 18, 2024 In eigener Sache
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Oh Anna Maria, you are my booster. The sun caresses my soul. I take in the sound of the sea euphorically. Your fine grains of sand feel so good on my aching feet. I absorb the atmosphere. My mind and body feel so good. Im vibration with joy.
Chorus: Oh Anna Maria, you are so beautiful and unique. I always come back to you. You are like a lover. When I am with you, we merge into one.
I love the play of colors in the sky when the sun sets. I soak up the mood. All the birds in the sky and on the beach create a happy picture. Everything is so peaceful an harmonious.I am so happy. I keep coming back.
Chorus: Oh Anna Maria. You are so beautiful and unique. I always come back to you. You are like a lover. When I am with you, we merge into one.
Songtext: Oh Anna Maria
Genre: Rock
Verfasser/Copyright: A.S

Songtext / Übersetzung ChatGPT
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