Songtext / Life / 2.7.2024
Juli 2, 2024 In eigener Sache
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Oh yes, I am full of feelings, fears, and hopes. Sometimes down, sometimes up, and always with my heart involved. I dream of happiness and contentment. I want to be free at heart.
Chorus: The feeling inside me vibrates. Quiet days slip by. Days full of emotions and fears show me how life can go. This is life.
The full dose of adrenaline flows trough my body. It shows me to be mindful and humble. Never expect too much. Be grateful for the little you get. Accept it and be thankful. I want to be free at heart.
Chorus: The feeling inside me vibrates. Quiet days slip by. Days full emotions and fears show me how life can go. This is life.
Songtext: Life
Genre: Rock
Verfasser/Copyright: A.S

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